
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bachelor Commentary: Ep. 4

Sorry I missed last week, y'all. Homework calls.
But we're back!!

Googled "picture of ashley i. from the bachelor with corn" to find this. Worth it.

Another Skanky Bikini Group Date
+"Let's do what feels natural..."
+Wildly inappropriate.
+Why is that Ashley I.'s entire outfit? A crop top and unbuttoned daisy dukes?
+Missing Andi's one-pieces right about now, lemme tell ya.
+"I have to find a way to break out of my shyness."
+Obviously that means jumping in the lake topless.
+Oh, and bottomless. 
+Really supporting Kelsey and her sanity right now.

Chris's Sisters
+I missed last week when everyone fell in love with Carly, but it only took about two seconds with Chris's sisters for me to get there too.
+Also, Whitney might be pretty cool?
+No way these girls are all okay with moving to a tiny town in Iowa. 
+I'm not okay with that.
+And neither are his sisters, since they all moved out of it.
+But okay, keep saying that, girls.
+Who's this dark-haired little child?
+Oh, Jade. The 18 year old girl who says she's 28.

Back to Group Date
+"I'm from Michigan. We have pretty lakes."
+GREAT lakes.
+I'm hilarious.
+Poor Kelsey.
+This girl has morals.
+She clearly doesn't belong here.
+I hate so bad that these girls chose to/are being forced to set up tents in their bikinis.
+K, I know a lot of you guys like Chris, but like....he's a pighead. 
+Not as bad as Juan Pablo, obviously, but still.
+I'm so happy to be here with you in your bikinis.
+Yeah. Don't like him.

More Sister Stuff, But Also Mostly Just Carly
+I choose Carly.
+K, this show is over. I decided.
+Except crap, Carly's too good for Chris!
+Dang it.
+I think Britt would have gotten the date card if Chris were choosing, but no way she's getting it from the sisters.
+Ugh with this music.

Now We're Camping, What the H?
+So it got cold enough for them to put a little more clothes on.
+But not that cold.
+"I would pay one of them $1 to put that rose in the fire. I would pay them a little more than that, but I don't have much." -Lyss
+So Kaitlyn's love language is Words of Affirmation and Chris's is Physical Touch.
+I don't know what I'm going to do with this information.
+I respect Kelsey not wanting to be there, but now she's kinda being super fake with him, so maybe I don't like her like I thought I did?
+Wait, Blinky has been here this whole time?
+Is Jimmy Kimmel behind that mask?
+Literally the only normal human on this date is Kaitlyn. 
+Please send everyone else home.
+Is Blinky going to murder him tonight?
+Because I feel like it's a very real possibility.
+I have always wanted a horror soundtrack in place of these weird orchestral pieces.
+Whiskey near the fire just doesn't sound like a good idea?
+(It's no longer Bachelor commentary unless I call out Elan on something.)
+Okay, someone get the mic away from Ashley I. and Chris's slurpy kissing.
+I white girl cannot right now.
+Why is the fact that Ashley I. is a virgin her defining characteristic?
+Like, you're allowed to have other character traits.
+Kardashian chick is cray.
+And Chris is like sleep-slurring this speech to her?
+This is just a really bad sitch.
+"I'm not a hookup girl."
+...she says as she sneaks into his tent in the middle of the night...

Something is Going On in the House I Think
+I didn't know I needed to be keeping an overalls count this season, but now I'm sad I lost track of how many pairs we've seen?
+Is this prep team from the Hunger Games?
+Literally why is Ashley I. still talking?
+Ah, the classic weird sponsored date.
+Dammit, now I want to be at Disneyland.
+You're allowed to swear when it's about Disneyland.
+Can we stop talking about how all these girls are jealous? 
+Cause like, duh.
+Move on.
+Wait a second.
+You're telling me that this guy is from a FARM?!?! In IOWA?!?!
+I have literally never heard these facts in every other sentence so far this season!!!
+Sorry. I'm losing patience with this show.
+Why is everyone always eating corn?!?!
+"Someone's gotta eat corn." -Lyss
+Okay, I support Chris and Jade. They're actually having a real conversation right now.
+We're speculating what singer they're gonna get for their private concert.
+All the Disney princesses in costume?
+The Country Bear Band?
+The Tiki Room?
+All right, a full orchestra isn't that far off from the Country Bear Band.
+More sponsored date moments.
+I can't wait for her jewelry to disappear at midnight.
+I'm just imagining the producers on the sidelines telling Jade to run out of the room so it looks more like a fairytale.
+"Run! But not too fast! Like, a little prancey! LIKE A FAIRYTALE!"

Group Date Take 2
+Carly just looked into the camera Jim-style and I love it so much.
+Have literally never seen Becca before this moment.
+Carly is so freaking cute.
+So this date is raising awareness for MS.
+Remember when they raised awareness for dogs by being naked on JPabs's season?
+And Andi compromised all her morals?
+"I'm not athletic, and that's okay!" -Carly, but also me.
+Competition is in Jillian's top 5.
+Sorry. Strengthsfinder literally always.
+Jillian scares me.
+Not like Blinky Macpherson scares me, but still.
+Keep that girl away from the cutlery.
+There was just a really, really weird commercial for Poise pads and I'm actually considering emailing the Kimberly Clark recruiter to express my horror tomorrow when I get into work.
+Sorry to bring work into this.
+He just said Jillian is in his top 3 and we're like.....that's kind of huge?
+Jillian is just talking so much and Chris is having a hard time keeping up.
+I think he's actually pretty unintelligent?
+This dude could not keep up with an intellectual conversation.
+Or any conversation?
+Though okay, maybe Jillian should just let him get a word in.
+I don't really know who to side with on this one.
+Oh hallelujah, he's sending her home.
+That solves her talking and his unintelligence. For now.
+So Chris's top 3 means NOTHING, essentially.
+They didn't even show the girls' reactions when Jillian's luggage was rolled out. 
+That's Alyssa's favorite part.

Yes, Ashley, We Know You're A Virgin/Cocktail Party/Rose Ceremony
+Who is this blond boobies girl?
+She just pulled a blindfold out of her boobs.
+"50 SHADES OF GRAY." -Lyss
+This girl is a bimbo.
+I am so glad that my education and life experience will never allow me to forget the 5 senses.
+"What did you get from our tent conversation the other night?" -Ashley I.
+"Nothing. I was literally asleep and so confused." -Chris, in his head, probably.
+Why is she freaking out right now?
+He actually didn't even care about the fact that she's a virgin.
+So upset that Carly's first kiss is getting less air time than Ashley's FREAK OUT.
+"Is McKenzie wearing a t-shirt and a fanny pack?" -Lyss
+Becca, also known as How a Normal Person Would Handle Being a Virgin.
+Ashley's horribly insecure about it, and Becca is confident in her decision.
+This is so clear.
+I should be a social worker.
+Britt's hair continues to be inhumanly gorgeous.
+Has Britt never seen this show and does she not understand that confronting the bachelor about his decisions has never gone well for the women?
+I'm suddenly seeing this from a feminist point of view.
+Why can't he just respond to the question she asked very respectfully instead of getting all butt-hurt and defensive?
+Ugh I hate this show.
+Rose Ceremony Predictions: Britt is going to get the last rose and the music is going to get so freaking intense.
+Carly is the cutest person. (Not prediction. Fact.)
+Juelia is going home.
+Also, we pronounce Juelia "Whale-ia".
+Lyss knows all their names now, but I don't recognize half of these girls.
+Oh good, all the ones I don't know are going home.
+That makes my life so much easier.
+Bye bye "Whale-ia."
+Chris to Blinky as she leaves: "Take care of yourself."
+No, but really.
+Get some help.
+Chris's goodbye speech to Juelia was the most eloquent thing he has said on this show so far.
+So my guess is that they had to make Ashley I. the crazy person this episode since Blinky was going home.
+Would like an update on how stable Blinky is now.


1 comment:

  1. I need episode five commentary! I'm dying here. <3 Your posts!


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